Mon Mar 27, 2023

Following things are taking in to consideration for Extra ordinary results:


Gary Keller claims that success is created by doing the One Thing at a time, like falling dominos, to compound to produce extraordinary results: 

In this analogy, upright dominos lined up contain potential energy. When the first domino falls, the amount of energy released corresponds to the number of lined-up dominos. Thus, you want to focus your efforts on the One Thing. Then, the results from this effort will multiply with the next thing, and so on.


1. Everything matters equally:

In the real world of getting results, most things are never equal. Many of us are guilty of creating to-do lists that treat everything as urgent and important. However, it may feel that everything matters equally and busyness rarely takes care, but will not achieve significant results. Instead, we have to prioritize what matters the most. Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist, found that inequality existed in wealth distribution. This theory was codified in the Pareto Principle: Pareto Principle (80-20 Rule) – about 80% of the results (outputs) come from about 20% of the causes (inputs)Thus, efforts are not equal, and a select number of vital efforts can produce significant results. When creating a to-do list, start with an extensive list of actions and choose the One Thing to do that will have the best impact.

2 Multi-tasking is good:

Multitasking is ineffective and inefficient and can result in mistakes or failures. Many people believe that multitasking or working on tasks simultaneously will lead to success. The need to multitask arises out of not having enough time and an abundance of distractions.

However, a Stanford study showed that task-focused workers outperformed multitaskers every time. People cannot focus on two or more complex tasks at the same time. When we “multitask,” we are constantly switching our attention between multiple tasks, which results in wasted time. Instead, we should solely focus on One Thing at a time to be most productive.

3. Disciplined life:

In the One Thing, Gary Keller states that any perceive successful people as naturally being disciplined. However, that is not true, as we all have just enough discipline to be successful. The key is to develop powerful habits to help you take action to succeed.

You can form a habit by being disciplined enough to accomplish a task regularly. According to studies from the University College of London, it takes about 66 days to establish a new habit. Over time, the right habits will be easier to manage and more likely to stick around. Success builds sequentially, so you should focus on developing one powerful habit at a time.

4.Balanced life:

Many people try to achieve work-life balance as a worthy goal, but this concept is an impossible reality. The neverending to-do list in different areas of life makes balance impossible. When we pursue balance, we will not produce amazing results as we are stuck in the safe middle.

Instead, Gary Keller, in the One Thing, states that we need to pursue purpose, meaning, and significance. When we focus effectively our time and work to achieve these three ideas, we will lose balance. Great results come from concentrated effort toward the extremes, which can be regulated by:

Counterbalancing – idea to focus our efforts but not too extreme that we hurt our well-being and cannot swing back To be successful, we will get out of balance in our work and personal lives. But the key is to understand your priorities and know how far to go before counterbalancing.

5. Big is bad:

It is a common misconception that significant objectives correspond to time-intensive and challenging efforts. It follows that many are scared of pursuing major dreams. They think small and establish internal limiting beliefs and roadblocks.

We need to big thinking to pursue incredible goals. In Mindset, Carol Dweck discusses that those who adopt a growth mindset believe their success corresponds to their invested time and effort. Thus, all the amazing possibilities are limitless, and there is no goal too big for our reach. Accordingly, we will boldly take action on the scale of how large we think.

1. Focusing questions:
By asking open-ended questions that encourage exploration and reflection, focusing questions can help individuals to uncover their own beliefs, values, and motivations related to the topic at hand. This self-examination can lead to a deeper understanding of one's own perspective, as well as an appreciation for other viewpoints and ideas.

2. Success habit:

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to success, many successful people do have certain habits and behaviours in common. Research has shown that developing and maintaining good habits can improve motivation, focus, and overall well-being, which can in turn lead to greater success in life.What works for one person may not work for another, so it is important to find habits and practices that align with one's own goals, values, and strengths.

3.Great answers

Providing a great answer can take time and effort, as it requires careful thought and consideration of the question or topic, as well as the ability to articulate a clear and concise response. However, providing a great answer can be rewarding, as it can help others to gain a deeper understanding or solve a problem, and can also showcase one's knowledge and expertise in a particular area.Key elements of great answers are Clarity, Conciseness, Reasoning, Relevance, and Tone.

Manish Jain
CEO & Founder of Satkar Software Solution Pvt. Ltd. | Public Speaking & Networking Coach| Corporate Trainer.

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