The Goldilocks Rule - How to Stay Motivated in Life & Work?

Mon Apr 3, 2023

The Goldilocks Rule suggests that the optimal level of difficulty for a task is one that is not too easy, not too hard, but just right. Implementing this rule in life can help you achieve a sense of balance and fulfillment.Here are some ways to apply the Goldilocks Rule in your life:

  1. Set achievable goals: Set goals that are challenging but not overwhelming. This will keep you motivated and give you a sense of accomplishment when you achieve them.
  2. Practice self-awareness: Pay attention to how you feel when you're working on a task. If you're bored, it may be too easy. If you're overwhelmed, it may be too hard. Adjust accordingly.
  3. Embrace discomfort: Sometimes, you need to push yourself outside of your comfort zone to grow and learn. Don't be afraid to take on challenges that may be difficult, but still within your reach.
  4. Seek feedback: Ask for feedback from others to help you gauge the level of difficulty of a task. This can help you adjust and make sure you're not taking on something that's too easy or too hard.

Manish Jain
CEO & Founder of Satkar Software Solution Pvt. Ltd. | Public Speaking & Networking Coach| Corporate Trainer.

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